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Special Session


Special Session: Applied Artificial Intelligence



Emerging and Intelligent computing encompasses a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies aimed at enhancing computational efficiency, enabling autonomous decision-making, and augmenting human capabilities through the integration of advanced algorithms and intelligent systems. Among the real domains where emerging and intelligent computing techniques are applied, we cite: applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in agriculture, healthcare, emotion detection, sentiment analysis, natural language processing but not limited to. 

The aim of the special session "Emerging and Intelligent Computing" session is to promote understanding, sharing, and advancement of practical applications of cutting-edge technologies in real-world contexts. It solicits empirical, experimental, methodological, and theoretical research on topics in the realm of emerging and intelligent computing with applications to real-life situations. This can mean new models, new datasets, new algorithms, or new applications. 

Scope & Topics of Interest: 

The Special session welcomes original contributions covering a wide range of topics related to the applications of emerging and intelligent computing in real domains. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Applied Artificial intelligence (AI): Evolutionary approaches, regression, convolutional neural networks, transformer models, LSTM, SVM, and other AI methods applied to practical problems in sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, medicine, finance, sentiment analysis, emotion recognition, manufacturing, and resource management etc.
  2. Big Data and Predictive Analytics: Use of Emerging and Intelligent computing techniques for analysis and information extraction from large volumes of data, with a focus on prediction and strategic planning.
  3. Emerging Applications: Exploration of new and promising applications of Emerging and Intelligent computing in emerging fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and sustainability.

The special session aims to create a collaborative environment to facilitate knowledge sharing, discussion of research findings, and the stimulation of new perspectives and ideas in the application of Emerging and Intelligent computing in real-world contexts.

Contact information of the Organizer: 

Dr .Geeta Rani:

Dr. Vijaypal Singh Dhaka:


Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats can be used to write technical papers and are found at:

A soft-copy of the full-length manuscripts in IEEE format should be submitted electronically via Microsoft CMT through this Link.

The deadlines for submission of the manuscript, acceptance notification, camera-ready paper submission, and registration are notified on the conference website. Any query regarding submission may be addressed to